Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sunset Feet and Rainbow Hands

Hello everyone! Hope you all had a very merry christmas and a happy new year. My holiday has been very full of hooky productivity, I am pleased to say. Here was my last minute Christmas gift for my mom: the secret socks!

I used Serenity sock yarn's paprika, and I am so proud of how these turned out. They fit her perfectly and everything! I only had one sock done on christmas morning, but thankfully mothers are patient and understanding enough to be thrilled anyway. Speaking of christmas morning, the reason that all of these pictures are so much more crisp and clear is... I GOT A NEW CAMERA!!! I am so excited, and I really love the ease of use and image quality and everything about it in general. Another holiday project that I finished just in the nick of time are these fingerless gloves for my aunt.

These gloves were pretty fun to make, although I didn't follow the full pattern, I stopped before making more of a thumb because I liked them just the way they were. Fingerless gloves are one of my very favorite things, coz even though I am always cold my fingers and hands are also generally busy, so these gloves offer the perfect balance of coziness and the ability to use my hands. 

I know you all are probably waiting with baited breath (what does that even mean, incidentally?) for this darling little rabbit, but I am not quite quite quite ready to put this one out into the world. I actually did a pattern test, working off of my own pattern and seeing the results, and I found a few minor improvements that I would like to make, so pleeeease be patient with me :) . 

Hope you all are having a great break (for those of you still on it) or a productive busy not break (to those of you who are not still on it)!

Crafts in the Interim

In the million billion years between when I posted, I was actually still crafting away! Here are some of my finished projects from the past...