Hello everyone! Hope you all had a very merry christmas and a happy new year. My holiday has been very full of hooky productivity, I am pleased to say. Here was my last minute Christmas gift for my mom: the secret socks!
These gloves were pretty fun to make, although I didn't follow the full pattern, I stopped before making more of a thumb because I liked them just the way they were. Fingerless gloves are one of my very favorite things, coz even though I am always cold my fingers and hands are also generally busy, so these gloves offer the perfect balance of coziness and the ability to use my hands.
I know you all are probably waiting with baited breath (what does that even mean, incidentally?) for this darling little rabbit, but I am not quite quite quite ready to put this one out into the world. I actually did a pattern test, working off of my own pattern and seeing the results, and I found a few minor improvements that I would like to make, so pleeeease be patient with me :) .
Hope you all are having a great break (for those of you still on it) or a productive busy not break (to those of you who are not still on it)!