Hello. Hello. Hello. It has been two long years since I stopped investing my time into this blog... and I want it back! I am in a new place in my life, in a new city, in an apartment instead of a sorority house, and law school instead of undergrad. I can't promise I will always have more time, or post consistently, but I really want to try. So rather than excuses... content!!!
The largest project that I have ever finished is a blanket. In retrospect, I now realize that I didn't mention it
all that much on here even when I was working on it concurrently with the development of this blog!
It is the
Hexagon Blanket from Attic24. I was taken with the idea of a large project that I could work on in small pieces for transportability and convenience purposes, but later join together to make a blanket. I also liked the fact that it was not a Granny Square blanket. Here's a picture of her lovely blanket.
You may be able to tell from the difference in diameter between mine and hers that I added an extra layer in white in order to join all of my hexies together! It felt like it took forever... but it worked.
By the time I had enough to join the blanket I had a small mountain of these cute little hexes..
And I was getting really quite tired of people asking me why I was making so many coasters.
I decided the size of my blanket by laying it out on a blanket that is the perfect size for curling up in.
And then tried to arrange them in a pleasing manner... Which turned out to be surprisingly difficult. Although individually, I loved every single hexagon, I ended up feeling like all of the colors together were very overwhelming. So was my determination to avoid making any two of them the same. They ended up not matching at all! It is beautiful in a kitschy way, but without the white to buffer the colors I think it would have been utterly clashing and god-awful.
To get technical for a minute.. I used the
Attic 24 Join as you go method, and adapted it a bit for my purposes. I believe that I did a join every 3 double crochets and on the corners, and for the corners I chained one, joined, chained one, continued the pattern (double crochet in each double crochet, join every 3 double crochet).
The blanket turned out great, if I do say so myself! I used cotton Sugar and Cream yarn, and it is getting softer and more cuddly the longer my mom has it as her TV blanket. Yeah, I gave it to my mom for Christmas, she cried, not a big deal.
Anyway, that's all for the moment... I have some backlogged posts that I have started and stopped and started again that hopefully I'll be able to get up here pretty quickly, and of course a huge to-do wish list for my crafting desires!
See you guys soon!