Today was a beautiful day.
It really finally felt like SPRINGTIME! Rather than horrid wintry rainy transition of awfulness. The weather here is absolutely bipolar. I go to class with the sun shining warm on my face, and walk back in pouring rain, of course with no umbrella. Today, however, was absolutely lovely.
Me and my two future room mates for next year along with my beloved beau made our way around our beautiful city in search of apartments for next year. I think we found something, among all of the dingy tiny places, a nice sunny place that felt charming and homey although it was certainly far from being brand spanking new.
I managed to take some nice pictures while we were out as well. It's just with my little point and shoot, but I am very proud of myself. Also managed to pick flowers for another coke bottle bouquet.
AND!! Brought my yarn along for the ride. I have been working on, since winter break, a blanket after the design of wonderful Attic24 here>
I am positively bubbling over with creative happiness today! Hurray for sunshine.
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