Sunday, May 23, 2010

And Sew it Begins...

I forsee many bad puns in the future, for this weekend has heralded the beginning of my exploits into the world of sewing! I have a Singer Merritt 9618 that used to be my mother's and was very lightly used.
And my parents have even let me set up a little sewing corner in the living room! The sewing table upon which the sewing machine rests is the one that contains the Egyptian Goddess, mentioned in previous posts. Shwaaaaa! So, my first little messing about project was a little bag I made out of a dishcloth that my father had given me to play around with. It is nothing fancy at all, just four sides, a bottom, and a handle to hold all of my notions. My mother threaded it for me, and my father gave me many helpful tips on what exactly I was doing wrong (i.e. not putting down the presser foot. embarrassing!!).

Yesterday also held many fun shopping purchases! The morning started out absolutely terribly, as I abhor being woken up by texts. Fortunately some retail therapy was in order courtesy of my darling mama and my absolute favorite thrift store in the whole world. It was even having a 30% off sale!

There was also a collectible dishware sale going on outside that was not 30% off... but my mumsie was kind enough to indulge me in some luverly things! The little turquoise plate is GORGEOUS and I also really love the creamer, which is, if you can't tell, covered with Japanese ladies. (The picture really doesn't do it justice.) And then, to top it all off, the lady at the checkout counter threw in a lovely little cloth basket that would be perfection as a yarn project basket! Lovely.
Also inside is a darling little red ikea mug I got that looks like a tulip. Scrumptious. One does wonder what to do with such things, of course, once one has gotten lovely little tea set type things. They are too pretty to use everyday, too precious to risk in the world of bumbling brothers and well meaning boyfriends. I suppose I will have to save them for some sort of solo tea party, but there is also no room for them at Bag End, I fear. Bother!

More useful and still quite happy making is I also got a couple of skirts and dresses that I adore quite a lot. I think my favorite right now is this black jumper type dress that is very simple and plain, but cute. Kind of reminds me of the Uniform Project... Ah well. Some of the things need to be re hemmed or altered, which is probably my next project in the works. Also working on a little cupcake pincushion with the pattern from BitterSweet.

May the force be with you.

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Crafts in the Interim

In the million billion years between when I posted, I was actually still crafting away! Here are some of my finished projects from the past...