Monday, May 17, 2010

The Mechanics of Blogland

Hullo! Well finally the most awful week in the universe is over. Seriously, finals plus moving out of what has been my home for a year was emotionally as well as physically draining. However, now I am so happy to be back at my family home in our tiny little town. Bag End (our apartment) is coming together nicely, with many fabulous furniturey and kitcheny things all combining to be something very much like a home. Home is a very confusing word these days, considering that I had three not too long ago, dorm apartment and house, but now the dorm is empty and I am just a little sad. What is it about saying goodbye to places that you spent time in? My dearest H has no such qualms about leaving his room, but I will miss it too and remember fondly my time there. Anywho.

The avid reader of this blog may notice that in the past 24 hours, the backgroundyness of it has changed no less than 3 or 4 times. Why is this? Well, I finally figured out a few things about the land of blog that no one had really clued me in on before, and it is all thanks to The Cutest Blog on the Block. It is a magnificent and quite cute blog that has many free backgrounds, banners, and other various accoutrements to make a blog absolutely lovely, and my current background is courtesy of them. Thanks! They also have nice guides to editing the html of a blog to make it a three column blog etc. I was rather disappointed when I saw that Attic24's blog client, typepad, was only available with a fee. I resigned myself to blogspot's awful templates and boringness with a great sigh, only to realize after trolling various craft blogs that they were quite gorgeous and still on blogspot. It was confusing for a bit, but I hope that now I too will join their ranks!

Hopefully in these upcoming several weeks of freedom I will be able to post much crafty goodness on the newly revamped blog.


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